Return Policy
Orders from this site are managed by Create Me, Trinidad and Tobago. If you are unsatisfied with or wish to cancel your order, please send an email to, and we will work with you to quickly resolve the issue.
If you received your order with damaged or incorrect items, please send an email to within seven (7) days of receiving the order. Your Order Number should be included in the subject line of the email and a description of the damaged, missing or incorrect items should be included in the message.
If you require a full refund, please note that you will be responsible for return shipping costs and may use the carrier of your choice. Returns after thirty (30) days of receipt of shipment are not accepted. If you wish to cancel or change your order, please send your request via email to within one (1) hour of placing the order, though it does not guarantee cancellation. The email should include your Full Name, the Order Number, and your order’s WiPay Transaction ID. You will receive an email confirming whether or not your cancellation was possible.